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HP Q1446A ورق راسمة 45 متر 42 سم

العلامة التجارية:
اسم المنتج:
رمز المنتج:
Icecat Product ID:
Quality data-sheet:
created/standardized by Icecat
عدد المرات التي تم بها القاء نظرة على المنتج:
تعديل المعلومات على:
14 Jun 2024, 19:25:44
End of life date:
23 Mar 2014
الضمان :
HP large-format printing materials are free from defects in materials and workmanship. Forstatement please see http:///go/HPMediaWarranties. To obtainservice, please contact HP customer support.HP warrants to you, the end user customer, that HP large-format printing materials are free from defects in materials and workmanship. If HP receives notice of such defects during theperiod, HP will, at its option, either replace products which prove to be defective with the same or comparable product at HP’s option or HP may elect to refund your purchase price. To obtainservice, please contact HP customer support. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, THE ABOVE WARRANT IS EXCLUSIVE AND NO OTHEROR CONDITION, WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND HP SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL HP OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFIT OR DATA), OR OTHER DAMAGE, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, THE REMEDIES IN THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. THE WARRANTY TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT LAWFULLY PERMITTED, DO NOT EXCLUDE, RESTRICT, OR MODIFY ANY MANDATORY STATUTORY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THE SALE OF THIS PRODUCT TO YOU.
Long product name HP Q1446A ورق راسمة 45 متر 42 سم:

HP Bright White Inkjet Paper 90 gsm-420 mm x 45.7 m (16.54 in x 150 ft)

HP Q1446A ورق راسمة 45 متر 42 سم:

HP Bright White Inkjet Paper with ColorPRO Technology delivers professional quality at production speed. ColorPRO Technology produces more striking colours, crisper text and graphics, and higher-contrast blacks for striking results.

See the bright, clear difference. See precise lines with sharp, fine detail. See high-impact graphics with an extended range of colours. HP Bright White Inkjet Paper with ColorPRO Technology delivers striking, professional quality results.

HP printing materials are designed together with HP inks and the printer to provide consistent, quality performance. Meet the environmental objectives of your company - and your clients - with this recyclable, FSC® certified paper[1].

Optimise your everyday printing with the reliable, trouble-free performance of cost-effective HP Bright White Inkjet Paper. Many choices, including metric sizes, cut steps from the workflow for higher productivity and lower costs of printing.

Short summary description HP Q1446A ورق راسمة 45 متر 42 سم:

HP Q1446A, 45 متر, 42 سم, 5,08 سم, 11,1 سم (4.38"), غير لماع, 90 غرام/متر مربع

Long summary description HP Q1446A ورق راسمة 45 متر 42 سم:

HP Q1446A. طول اللفة: 45 متر, عرض اللفة: 42 سم, قطر الجوهر: 5,08 سم. الأبعاد (العرضx العمقx الارتفاع): 111,1 x 111,1 x 450,85 ملم, الوزن: 1,68 كيلو غرام. أبعاد الحزمة (العرض x العمق x الطول): 111,1 x 111,1 x 450,85 ملم, وزن الحزمة: 2,45 كيلو غرام. العدد لكل منصة: 198 قطع, عدد علب الكرتون لكل منصة: 22 قطع, عدد الطبقات لكل منصة: 9 قطع. سلاسة مادة الطباعة: 140 +/- 50 ml/min, الحجم الصافي: 2", الوقت المطلوب لجفاف مادة الطباعة: 90 s

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