Windows Server 2008 Datacenter - Licence and media - 2 processors - OEM - DVD - 32/64-bit - English
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter - Licence and media - 2 processors - OEM - DVD - 32/64-bit - English, Engels, 2 licentie(s), 10 GB, 0,5 GB, DVD-ROM, SVGA-Monitor, 2 GHz
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter - Licence and media - 2 processors - OEM - DVD - 32/64-bit - English. Taalversie: Engels, Aantal licenties: 2 licentie(s). Minimale opslag schijfruimte: 10 GB, RAM minimum: 0,5 GB. Minimale systeemeisen: DVD-ROM, SVGA-Monitor, Minimale processor: 2 GHz